Product Launches

Center Stage makes it easier for your team to introduce new products that no one has a lot of experience discussing. When you need to introduce your new products and services, Center Stage can play a critical role in your strategy.

Here are a few important reasons why Center Stage is valuable for this kind of need:

a) Center Stage helps your team deliver both a consistent and individualized message.
b) It helps them relate better to prospects and buyers.
c) Your employees learn how to be more vibrant, understandable, and personable.
d) They learn how to adapt a message when it needs to be changed-due to specific client needs.
e) Employees learn what concepts are important so the overall message is unified.
f) They can explain new ideas and products within the context of their own personalities, so they are more comfortable and at ease.

Sometimes, companies are overly zealous about training for consistency, either losing sight of how important an individual is to get any idea across – or not knowing what to do to resolve the conflict between consistency and individuality.

Keep in mind: when a message is overly controlled and scripted, people sound (annoyingly) robotic and mechanical. When this happens, employees often stop thinking on their feet and relating to clients in the moment and where the client is coming from. The client feels the disconnect and is turned off.

Example One: Johnson & Johnson used Center Stage as a tool when they introduced a new division-wide accounting process. As is typical, there was resistance to the change. After Center Stage, the “messengers” were able to persuasively communicate the value of the process – and gain alignment, so everyone could recognize the importance of the decision and support the process.

Example Two: When the company was rolling out a new medical device, 3M used Center Stage as a tool to train doctors at the forefront of the introduction. They unified their general message about the new product. They came from all parts of North America, and each one also had a deep understanding of how their region would need to hear the new information. The medical team also learned how to adapt their message for both patients and other medical professionals, two significantly different audiences.

In both examples, team interaction was an integral part of the rollouts. Team input amplified the doctors’ understanding of best communication practices for introducing the new products and remaining true to each person’s innate personality. In other words, the sum was far greater than the parts.